Front Line Manager (FLM) Training

Our modular approach takes participants on a path of discovery. They first establish their own leadership style through self evaluation and compare results to the qualities of good leaders. This sets the scene for individual development which is further built upon with the introduction of tools for becoming a stronger leader.

By the end of the course participants will have developed their communication skills by identifying and removing barriers to communication, and through practice at giving and receiving constructive feedback. You will be pleased with their improved effectiveness in delivering shift handovers and with their confidence to deliver clear messages at team meetings.

Frontline Management Training

FLM Training bolsters the confidence of your front line managers to build, manage and empower effective teams.

Specific areas that challenge our front line managers are covered in detail. For example, how to deal with conflict when it arises and how to generate, manage and empower effective teams.

Every participant must complete a Learning Action Plan with SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely) objectives before the end of the course. This forms the basis for their ongoing personal development.

The course is interactive and uses many different methods to demonstrate learning points including DVDs, role play activities and team building exercises. Don’t be surprised if you hear laughter as they learn.

Groups of Front Line Managers who have previously spent little time with each other form bonds which are retained back in the workplace, increasing collaboration and providing an informal support structure long after the course has ended.

If you want to see your Front Line Managers excel in building and managing effective teams, contact us to discuss your specific needs.